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The Panel Plan FAQ Knowledge Base

Panel Plan Basics

What is a no-cost solar plan?

On a no-cost plan, you discuss in detail with a consultant what the best solution for your home is and get all figures. Once approved, your system will be installed by us without any deposit or outlay required. Once connected your system will save you thousands every year in previously wasted electricity costs. 30 days after install you begin repayments on your solution, that are less than what you saved over the same period. Meaning you get the solar system for less than just paying your bills anyway.

Who can be approved on a Panel Plan?

The main criteria for assessment on a No Interest, No Deposit Panel Plan:

  1. Homeowner (and Partners - home with a mortgage is fine)

  2. Stable Income - Full-Time, Part-Time, Casual employed, Self-Employed, Self-Funded Retirees and Aged, Veterans and Disability Support Pension.

  3. No looming defaults or bankruptcies

  4. Reasonable credit-score

  5. Affordability / Green-Loan Serviceability

Who is eligible for solar subsidies?

Each address and electricity meter can be eligible for subsidies, however there must be sufficient roof-space on a residential property. You must also be the owner of the property or partnered with the owner. Renters and tenants aren't able to claim. Subsidies range from $1800-$7000+ depending on your system size. This is a point-of-sale discount that will already be removed for you from the quoted price or repayment amount.

What warranties, guarantees and reassurances do you offer?

Full disclosure and transparency around costs and what you receive, in advance.

10-25 years Product, parts and labour warranties for free repair and replacement.

25 Year performance guarantee.

Lifetime Install and workmanship warranty*

Panel Plan Co.'s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and commitment.

*Lifetime of system

Are your solar financing plans really 0% interest?

Yes, our Panel Plan packages through partner Brighte come with 0% interest and $0 upfront always. We fix your repayments from the outset too, no nasty surprises down the track!

Repayments also don’t begin until 30 days after install. There are some fees involved that make the total cost greater than an outright purchase, but all costs are transparent and can’t go up in the future.

Can I make early repayments? 


Pay down your balance quicker via lump sums or increased regular deposits/repayments. The Brighte app provides flexible account management to repay on your terms.  

How is $0 deposit financing possible?

As Adelaide is victim of Australia’s highest electricity rates, so too lies our greatest potential savings from solar. Our Brighte-backed plans let you unlock those substantial savings today via easy repayments tomorrow. The cost are easily offset by the savings, making it actually cheaper to go solar than to wait.

Can I buy a system outright or cash on delivery instead?

Yes. Our plans are often more popular but not suitable for people who just have the money to invest upfront.

Solar Basics

What if I change internet provider and need WiFi re-setup?

Contact us if shifting internet types e.g. ADSL to NBN, or shifting provider and have a new network. For provider changes without type shifts, contact your inverter company for DIY WiFi reconfiguration steps. Youtube has walkthroughs on how to reconnect also. 

What’s the difference between kW and kWh?

kW measures instantaneous consumption/production rate. kWh quantifies cumulative energy consumed/generated over time. So a 1kW appliance running one hour uses 1kWh. kWh equals total value on your bill.

How much is the Australian solar rebate?

The federal subsidy ranges from $2000 to $7000 off eligible solar hardware and installation expenses. This is applied as a point-of-sale discount off the true cost of the equipment and install, so you pay the lowest possible amount from the beginning and ewe do all the work to chase up the subsidy afterwards. For an in-depth explanation and full breakdown of the Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) granted by the Clean Energy Regulator, you can visit the site and learn more.

Are all your installers fully certified electricians? 

Every team has at least one Clean Energy Council-accredited designer, installer and electrician to manage critical electrical work. They may be assisted by experienced solar labourers under supervision but never compromise expertise.

What production guarantees do you provide? 

Your panels and components come with manufacturer warranties on materials, build quality and performance degradation of greater than 10 years and upto 25 years. If output drops below 80% of rated capacity before term on a linear warranty, remedies include free replacement gear or proportionate cost refunds. 

How long for system payback?

We calculated approximately 3-5 years for your system to effectively pay itself off when weighing size, sun hours, feed-in rates and usage costs. Then it's decades more of free power!

Should I add home batteries? 

Storage can provide backup capacity to divert excess daytime solar power for night usage as required. But otherwise most Adelaide solar PV meets or exceeds a typical household's daily needs through self-consumption. Its definitely a case by case assessment.  

Solar Installs

How long does installation take? 

We install within 1-2 weeks of your booking. Residential jobs mostly finish in a day barring any complexities. Either way, we minimise delays so you start saving ASAP.  

How soon after install do I see benefits?

If you finance, savings generally outweigh repayments from day one with overproduction credits. For an outright purchase, your system earns back its cost in 2-5 years depending on specifics. Both options bring 20+ years of returns.

What are feed-in tariffs?

Feed-in tariffs (AKA Solar credits) decide the rate your retailer pays you per kWh of excess solar energy fed into the grid. This offsets power drawn at night so monitoring rates and maximising credits makes a big savings difference.

Why do feed-in tariffs vary between households, bills & States? 

Historically generous government subsidies enabled premium feed-in tariffs with added top-ups. As solar costs fell, so did those top-ups until retailers set their own rates in 2019. Shopping retailers and plans now optimises your return. As power prices have risen sharply, feed-in tariffs have climbed again to represent the extra value solar power has in the market.

Why is a new meter required? 

Standard meters can't tell if power moves into or out of a property. Upgraded digital smart meters measure multi-directional energy flows accurately, so you get billed correctly as both consumer and producer. The entire SA grid is being upgraded as part of the SA Smarter Homes Initiative.

When can I switch my solar system on?

Never activate your system before the meter upgrade completes or you may get erroneously charged for production! Retailers have 15 business days from our meter request to replace/reconfigure it. However we have exclusive partnerships that can arrange meter upgrades even as fast as on the day of installation.

Are all your installers fully certified electricians? 

Every team has at least one Clean Energy Council-accredited designer, installer and electrician to manage critical electrical work. They may be assisted by experienced solar labourers under supervision but never compromise expertise.

Solar Saving

What's the process when I book solar with you?

Contact us online or call to prequalify and book a site visit. Our experts survey your property, design a custom system and propose pricing/savings estimates. Installation follows shortly after and we handle all paperwork plus coordinate meter upgrades.

How do I read my power bill?

A: It can be tricky when adding in the extra variable of solar production and export. We explain which sections show solar savings versus usage costs. Combining your bill with system monitoring provides a complete view. Email us bills anytime for a full production value analysis.  

How do I calculate my solar savings value?

Take your total production kWh from monitoring and subtract metered feed-in kWh from your bill. Multiply the remainder by your retailer's usage cents/kWh rate and add to your feed-in credit value. This gives your total quarterly solar savings.

How do I maximise my solar system savings?  

Shift usage of high draw appliances like aircon, clothes dryers and pool pumps to daylight hours when your system produces. East/west facing panels generate more mornings and afternoons respectively. Also ensure you're on the optimal retailer plan.

How does household solar work?

Panels convert sunlight into electricity fed to your inverter for conversion from DC to AC power your home appliances use. When your solar production exceeds usage, the surplus energy gets exported to the grid with your retailer crediting you.

What risks come with solar purchases? 

Risks include shoddy workmanship, faulty gear and fly-by-night operators that disappear after issues emerge. Mitigate all risks by choosing an established, reputable company like Panel Plan Solar Adelaide. We absolutely do not condone cutting corners on the equipment we supply or the quality of the installation.

Still have questions?

Call our solar experts any time or book a quote online to chat 1-on-1 about tailoring the optimal energy solution for your household.


What's the catch with your solar deals?  

The only catch is that not every home suits solar so we prequalify you, check shade risks, electrical compatibility etc. But otherwise our packages provide win-win solar savings for decades minus any hassles dealing direct with retailers and installers yourself.  

How soon after install do I see benefits?

If you finance, savings generally outweigh repayments from day one with overproduction credits. For an outright purchase, your system earns back its cost in 2-5 years depending on specifics. Both options bring 20+ years of returns.

What are feed-in tariffs?

Feed-in tariffs (AKA Solar credits) decide the rate your retailer pays you per kWh of excess solar energy fed into the grid. This offsets power drawn at night so monitoring rates and maximising credits makes a big savings difference.

Why do feed-in tariffs vary between households, bills & States? 

Historically generous government subsidies enabled premium feed-in tariffs with added top-ups. As solar costs fell, so did those top-ups until retailers set their own rates in 2019. Shopping retailers and plans now optimises your return. As power prices have risen sharply, feed-in tariffs have climbed again to represent the extra value solar power has in the market.

Why is a new meter required? 

Standard meters can't tell if power moves into or out of a property. Upgraded digital smart meters measure multi-directional energy flows accurately, so you get billed correctly as both consumer and producer. The entire SA grid is being upgraded as part of the SA Smarter Homes Initiative.

When can I switch my solar system on?

Never activate your system before the meter upgrade completes or you may get erroneously charged for production! Retailers have 15 business days from our meter request to replace/reconfigure it. However we have exclusive partnerships that can arrange meter upgrades even as fast as on the day of installation.

Existing Solar

Can I get a Panel Plan if I already have solar panels? 

Yes! Having panels already does not disqualify you from applying for a Panel Plan. You can discuss your options with a consultant, to help determine if upgrading or replacing your system will bring increased benefits in your circumstances.

Can I still get the subsidy/rebate if I've had it in the past?

Yes. If you install new panels on the same home or a new home, regardless of whether you purchased panels previously, you will be able to claim the current subsidy amount on the new system.

Do I have to switch energy retailer or plans?

No. You are free to keep or choose any plan or retailer at all times.
However, it is important you don't change retailer before a solar installation is complete and the meter has been changed over or reprogrammed, if you don't want potential delays getting connected to the grid.

What is the best energy plan if I have solar?

This is a very complex question to answer and it changes frequently. The energy companies make the bills and the tariffs hard to compare and assess for many. The best thing you can do is ask your solar consultant what plan they have for their own home or families if you want to shortcut. Either way, Panel Plan is not affiliated with any energy provider.

Do you service Regional SA?

Yes, we service regional SA within 250km from Adelaide and select regional hubs periodically and are always hoping to expand out install and supply radius further.

Install with confidence.

Panel Plan supplies all major and premium equipment brands


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1. Complete the quiz

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2. Get a call

Discuss things further with an expert who can do all the heavy lifting for you.

3. Custom proposal

Tailored solutions customised for your property and energy needs.

Get a Panel Plan NOW and don't pay a dollar

until 30 days AFTER installation,



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